
You are cold with fear.

Time to let the sun warm you,

your body, your soul, your heart,

wrapped “in a blue cloud-cloth away from the too rough fingers of the world.”

You hold the overflowing cup

now, in your own hand,

you receive the Christfire,

standing strong.

You receive what you always deserved.


You have always deserved it.


No turning away.


The sky gives it like the air you breathe.

Like the ground beneath your feet,

Don’t you see?

Don’t you know?

Smile, for it is a good day,

a day to celebrate.



for, the eagle flies for you,

On the mountain of hope

We are coming to life

Like a bird on the wing

We feel no more strife,

Our freedom following.

Time to let the sun warm you.

Your body, your soul, your heart,

“wrapped in a blue cloud-cloth, away from the too-rough fingers of the world.”

You hold the overflowing cup

now, in your own hand,

now, in your own Being


standing strong,

and home at last.